Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alakanuk Christmas Program

This year, our Christmas program was on December 13th. The kindergartners through sixth graders performed prepared songs, movies, and dances of all styles. My 5/6th grade class sang two songs. Both songs had verses in Yupik and English-- Silent Night and Quyaunga Wiinga. We also recognized students for their athletic and academic achievements, had a couple extra dances performed by Natural Helpers and the staff, and had Santa come with lots of donated gifts and hand knitted gear. Some comments from the audience after the program included it being very fluid and organized, entertaining, and fun. It was a great time for staff, students, and community to celebrate Christmas together. Lots of hard work was put into so many of the details by so many different people and it was an honor being a part of it all.

And also for your viewing pleasure, below is a video posted on youtube.com, choreographed by one of our teachers and danced by ladies on our staff (including myself).

Staff Dance at the Alakanuk Christmas Program

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! The dance was fabulous! You girls have some serious moves:)
