Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cultural Days- Beading and Manaq Poles

Beading- earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.

Notice a pair of long earrings I'm wearing made by a student. "And it's long, and made out of minty floss so if you want to you don't even need to take it out to floss your teeth." So innovative.

An enthusiastic beader.

We all used some cut dowels and string to make ice-fishing poles.

With practice from their spears, they know how to tighten that string on the pole well.

They call the pole a "manaq" in Yupik.

Showing the manaqs on the side of the deck.


  1. Jana!
    My boyfriend and I recently started following your blogs. We frequent the Lower Yukon at a camp some of your kids attend. In the last picture you posted... what is Freddie Edmund doing in your elementary school picture?! ;)Also, tell Robert, Deja, and Haylie we miss them!
    -Brittany and Ricky

  2. Hi Brittany,
    Where and when is the camp you're talking about? I'm not familiar with it and would like to hear a little more. Freddie was leading the manaq workshop for the kids. I'll tell them all hi for you!
